The Future Of Creativity And Writing. Recommended Resources, Books and Podcasts

Technology moves fast and the pandemic accelerated the changes to come. Writers and authors who embrace new tools and ways of working will be able to surf the accelerating wave of change ahead.

My position on the use of AI tools for authors: The AI-Assisted Artisan Author

Thoughts on the disruption ahead:

How Generative AI will Impact Book Discoverability in the Next Decade (Dec 2023)

July 2023: Update on 9 Ways that AI Will Disrupt Authors and Publishing

9 Ways That Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Disrupt Authors and Publishing in the Next 10 Years [2019 original episode]

I've always been interested in the intersection between creativity and technology. When AlphaGo beat Lee Sodol at Go in March 2016, it galvanized my interest in artificial intelligence and since then, I have been following the niche avidly, reading books, reporting on changes in the futurist segment on my weekly podcast, and considering the possibilities — and challenges — ahead.

This page gathers my interviews and recommended resources on artificial intelligence and its impact on writers and publishing, as well as voice technologies, translation, and structural changes with blockchain and NFTs, with more to come. Click on each image to delve further into the topic.

Writing and Creativity — with AI augmentation

Web 3.0, Blockchain, NFTs, Metaverse, AR and VR

Artificial Intelligence for Voice Technologies and Translation

More Books and Resources