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Selling your books direct to readers and listeners can bring you more money, faster, and allow you to control your customer's experience and data. Morgana Best explains why selling direct is so important for an author business, and some of her tips for implementing a Shopify store.
In the intro, the publishing court case of the DOJ vs PRH and S&S merger [New York Times; Vanity Fair; The Hotsheet]; Publisher Pearson is planning to use NFTs [The Guardian]; More on NFTs and blockchain [Future]; Mark Dawson's Ads for Authors opens this week (affiliate link); my bookbinding project from print on demand to leather-bound original.
Today's show is sponsored by ProWritingAid, writing and editing software that goes way beyond just grammar and typo checking. With its detailed reports on how to improve your writing, and integration with Scrivener, ProWritingAid will help you improve your book before you send it to an editor, agent or publisher. Check it out for free or get 25% off the premium edition at www.ProWritingAid.com/joanna
Morgana Best is the ‘USA Today' Bestselling Author of over 50 cozy mysteries. She has been selling direct from her website for many years, and shares all her tips in her new book, Stop Making Others Rich: How Authors Can Make Bank Selling Direct.
You can listen above or on your favorite podcast app or read the notes and links below. Here are the highlights and the full transcript is below.
Show Notes
- Why sell direct?
- The mindset you need to sell direct
- Cost of your own store vs cost of selling through the retailers (and of course, you can do both!)
- Delivering ebooks, audiobooks, and print-on-demand books when selling direct?
- Using customer data in an ethical manner, and how to optimize your store by utilizing data
- Don't get overwhelmed. Start with a minimum viable store
- Direct book marketing — how to drive traffic to a Shopify store
You can find Morgana Best at MorganaBest.com and on Twitter @MorganaBest
Transcript of Interview with Morgana Best
Joanna: Morgana Best is the ‘USA Today' Bestselling Author of over 50 cozy mysteries. She has been selling direct from her website for many years, and shares all her tips in her new book, Stop Making Others Rich: How Authors Can Make Bank Selling Direct. Welcome, Morgana.
Morgana: Oh, thanks so much for having me.
Joanna: We've talked privately, so I'm excited to have you on the show. But let's take a step back.
Why did you decide to start selling direct? And when was that?
Morgana: Oh gosh, it was in 1993.
Joanna: The beginning of the internet.
Morgana: I was five years old at the time. No, I lie, I wasn't. No, what happened, I was interviewed by a large Australian magazine, and the journalist said, ‘Now you're going to be having publishers knock on your door.' But I only had one, but it was Random House. I was so excited.
They solicited a popular book based on my doctorate, but unfortunately, it didn't come off. It took months and months of backwards and forwards. I had to send them this, they had to send me that, and it was quite a stressful process. And in the end, it all fell through.
So, I was left with this manuscript and I thought, ‘You know what, I'll just sell it direct.‘ This was before the internet really hadn't taken off, and so it was in person. I went to Collins Bookstore and asked them if they'd take it, and he said, ‘We'll try five.' So, I got four friends to go and buy it, and he's like, ‘Oh, this is fantastic.' And so, they got it nationally.
I got it selling there, but of course, I had a thousand copies offset run, which was fairly expensive because I didn't know what I was doing. Fast forward almost 10 years later, I did another doctorate, but this was on a bit of an apparently touchy subject.
I had an agent and I had a small publishing house, which was headed by quite a famous person, in the public-eye-type famous, not like an academic-type famous that no one had heard of, approach me and try to buy the rights to privish the book. And for listeners who don't know what privish is, it's basically where a publisher buys the rights to a book to shut it down because this was a rather sensitive book.
After that, I paid the agent off, got rid of the agent, and I did another print run and I sold this book. Now I had two main separate non-fiction books that I had to sell direct. So, that's actually what got me into selling direct.
By the time Kindle came around, I was already used to getting all the money and not giving anyone 30% to 70%. And I was used to having customers, not having retailers own customers.
Back then, you couldn't even run ads to the retailers, but I already I was so used to doing it myself and I knew all the benefits to doing it myself, and I wasn't too happy to hand it over to the retailers when that happened, when Kindle happened in 2007. But of course I did it, but I just knew the other side of the fence by then.
Joanna: I think that's important is that you've basically taken advantage of all the technology as it's come along, but you started back when it was super difficult.
You started before me, but when I started self-publishing there was also no Kindle. And it's so funny because I feel like now people don't remember what it was like before, how easy it is now to get e-books and everything, and audiobooks, when for a long time it was sort of downloadable PDFs from websites and it was really hard.
Times have changed, and we are going to get into some of the technology. But I think before we get into that, let's talk about mindset because I really do feel like that is the key.
How do authors need to change their mindset in order to sell direct and be successful selling direct?
Morgana: I think authors have what I call the ‘author mindset.' I'm making air quotes here. Now, I'm always asked the same questions when authors approach me and say, ‘How should I sell direct?' And they always say, ‘What will happen to my Amazon rank? How will I get people to buy from my store? What's the cheapest way I can sell direct?' And then they're super embarrassed about making money.
That has always shocked me because I thought authors liked making money. I mean, who doesn't like making money? But it's almost an embarrassment. You will hear people say, ‘I'm embarrassed about being filthy rich.' Well, I always call it clean rich, but it's interesting that they're embarrassed about having dollars as the objective.
Like I say, ‘What's your objective in having a store? Do you want to just be like one of the retailers with a little buy button or do you want to build a business? What's your objective? Is it money?' And they go, ‘Oh, no, no, not money. No, no.'
They almost ring their hands and almost say that the objective is world peace. They can't admit to wanting to make money, which is quite strange to me because you've got to pay the mortgage or pay rent, you've got to feed yourself, you've got to feed your pets, you have to wear clothes or you'll be arrested. You need money to survive, so why not let's admit it?
Now, selling direct, for a start, you have to have a good relationship with money and admit that money is at least one of your objectives.
Also that the cheapest way to sell might not be the way that brings the best profit. It's that old Latin saying, ‘You need money to make money.' Obviously, I've quoted it in English, but yeah, that's an ancient…they knew that 2,000 years ago and it's still the way today, you have to invest in your business.
It's also not a get-rich-quick scheme. There are no shortcuts and you're going to have authors whether selling direct or selling on retail, something's always going to cost you either time or money, or both, but usually one or the other. But you can't get out of it either way, you'll have to fork out either time or money.
Think of readers as customers and books as products.
It's not a dirty word to have customers. You can still like your customers and they can still be readers, it's not mutually exclusive, but to think of things with a business mindset.
Joanna: I love all that. It's so brilliant. You said they're clean rich. I like clean rich rather than filthy rich. I like that. Or filthy in a good way!
Morgana: Filthy in a good way!
Joanna: You talked about lots there and I think you are exactly right. A good relationship with money, a business mindset, investing in order to grow and to sell. But wait, we've got to answer that question, which you brought up at first, which is the first question people ask you.
“What will happen to my Amazon rank if I sell direct?”
Morgana: Yes. If you are a wide author, you are already used to not having a good Amazon rank because a borrow counts as a sale.
It's quite funny, a couple of years ago, to test it, I put my pen name's new release and my wide book on Amazon on the same day. And strangely, their ranking was almost identical. And her book went to, I think it was 500, and mine was like 4,000. And they had the identical sales.
It was strange, but that just shows you like as wide authors you're not going to get that good Amazon ranking.
Some people on KU are already selling their backlist that's not in Select, direct, they're selling their paperbacks direct, and they're selling their audiobooks direct. I think they're the ones who are more concerned about rank, but that's the question. But that's a retailer type of thinking, not a business person type of thinking, but again, it depends on your objective.
Does this author want to build up a business or do they simply want to have a buy button on their store? Now, there's no right or wrong, but it comes down to that.
If they want to build up a business, who cares what happens to their Amazon ranking?
It doesn't matter. And if they've only got a buy button on a store, they're not going to sell enough books to affect their Amazon ranking, so it becomes a moot point really.
Joanna: You've got tons of books, you write very fast and this is an important point, you can do different things with different author names. You can do different things with different formats.
As we record this, I'm doing my store-only How to Write a Novel at CreativePennBooks.com and it's not anywhere at all except my store. But then, that store also has my backlist. And some of the books that are in KU like my mum's sweet romances, Penny Appleton, the paperbacks are there, but the e-books are on KU.
I think this is an important point. If you go into KU or you sell on Amazon, with e-books, you can put different formats on.
You can mix and match depending on what you want. It's not an all-or-nothing thing.
Morgana: Absolutely, and that's a very important point. Samantha Price, who writes I think Amish romance, is in KU. She's been in KU for years, and she has all her paperbacks and her large prints and her audio and her backlists that she's taken out of Select, she's got all those on her store.
Without even advertising, because I think she's too busy churning out books and she hasn't had a chance, she's doing quite well out of that store.
Joanna: Since we're talking about money, let's talk about the income and the cost because you did mention there the cheapest way to sell might not be the best way to make money, which I thought was a good way to put it. So, let's talk about the costs first. What are the costs of selling direct?
Morgana: First of all, I'll just quickly run through the costs of selling on the retailers — 30% to 70% of your income, and they take your customers.
And if you're doing Amazon ads, who benefits from that? I think I started counting the other day and I got to 38 and there were still books I hadn't counted, and they were not the main book on the product page. So, you run an Amazon ad, you're sending people there.
Costs of selling direct
Now, when you go to selling direct, again, it depends whether you want a buy button on your website or whether you want a Shopify store or maybe WooCommerce. Shopify starts at $5 a month if you only want to sell on social media. Also there's a $9 plan where you can put buy buttons on your store.
But if you actually want a store, the lowest price is $29 U.S. a month. Now, I was paying that, for years I'd been paying that on two websites each, on two websites to have a website. Then I merged them with my Shopify store.
I think if someone goes to my Shopify store, they don't know it's a shop, they think it's a website, and you can do that with Shopify. So, using a store as your main website is one way to save costs. But for $29 a month, it doesn't take an established author long to cover that monthly. It really doesn't.
And there are so many things you can do with Shopify that it's completely astounding what you can do with that. The big brands have it. Tesla has a Shopify store. A couple of the Kardashians have Shopify stores. For the Aussies out there, JB Hi-Fi has a Shopify store. Sephora. So many stores are Shopify stores, some of the biggest brands in the world. The Oodie is a Shopify store. Do you have an Oodie, Joanna?
Joanna: No. I don't know what that is.
Morgana: Oh, it's a lovely, big wearable blanket.
Joanna: No, we're in a heat wave over here, but I think your point is that a Shopify store is just a website, and WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress. I know many authors like Orna Ross, for example, use WooCommerce, and that it plugs into your existing website.
Because I have so many websites, I now have creativepennbooks.com, which is my Shopify store, but because my website's so old, thecreativepenn.com, I decided to have another site. But what you've done is essentially…is it morganabest.com?
Morgana: Yes. And it's a Shopify store that looks like a website. I've merged it. I got rid of all my website hosting and I just have a store.
Joanna: Any other costs in terms of the setup of the products, the books?
Morgana: It depends, you can add apps. I've got Klaviyo app. I used to have something else. And for years and years, I resisted because I thought it's going to be so much work, one more thing on my 50-mile long to-do list that will only take a second, but there's millions of them.
I've also got ReConvert. For example, what you can do with the store is just amazing. I get quite excited about this. Now, when you sell something, when someone buys something, they go to the Thank You page. That has a 100% open rate, so you can do things to upsell on that page.
Now, because books are typically low-cost, high-volume, it's good to have a high ticket item. I've got a 16-book box set that I sell for goodness knows what, but I've got a 20% discount on that Thank You page with a timer.
You can figure out who you show it to quite easily. I only show it to fiction customers because I'm sure people who are buying my book might not want cozy mysteries. And it has a five-minute countdown. But also on that page, I can collect people's birthdays, so I can send them an offer or like a discount or a gift on their birthday.
You can also do so many amazing things that it pays back your investment very quickly.
You can have an abandoned cart flow or automation flow. Same thing, different companies. You can have an abandoned checkout flow, a win-back flow for people who haven't bought from you in the past, however long you set, three months, six months.
You can have a browse abandonment flow, if someone has gone and looked at a certain product of yours and they've looked at it for a while, but they haven't put it in their cart. You can target all these people really easily, and that more than pays back what you pay for the app.
But also I would not suggest that anyone migrates their current customers across their current newsletter list. I would say keep them both separate.
Joanna: Absolutely. We should say that we both use BookFunnel to deliver our e-books and audiobooks, and people will also need an email hosting service, as you've mentioned, but many authors will already be using services like that.
Do you want to talk about how you do print books, print-on-demand books?
Morgana: Yes. I use Lulu Direct. I also use BookVAULT.app, which thanks very much, you put me onto them and I'm very happy with them. But before I get into that, I'll explain that Lulu Direct and BookVAULT are third-party suppliers.
I can sell print books, or I do sell print books from my site without ever…I don't touch the book. I don't ship the book. I could go to The Bahamas for a month, not that I could because I'm too busy, but I could in theory, and my books would keep getting sent out. It's a fantastic service.
How it works, someone comes to my site and buys a print book. The money for the shipping and the money for the book both go into my account. Now, the print supplier then takes the money out of my account for the printing and shipping, and they print and ship the book to the customer. The system sends them tracking. I don't do a thing, all I do is collect the money.
Of course, I'd have to upload the book in the first place, it's not a free lunch, but after I set it up, I don't do anything else.
What I'm doing at the moment, I've got my books in the UK being printed and shipped from BookVAULT because their prices are incredibly reasonable.
Lulu Direct's prices have gone up 20% recently. They also add a $1.50 fulfillment fee. But I use them for the rest of the world because they have printers all over the world and the shipping is very reasonable and the quality is very high.
Joanna: I'm using BookVAULT and they are shipping everywhere for me at the moment. And of course, it takes several weeks to some places. I'm hoping the more people who use bookvault.app and tell them that we need printers all over the world, the better.
I've basically said to them, ‘If we grow your business, will you organize printing all over the world?!'
And of course, we talked about this, Lulu don't do the 5 by 8 sizing, which is why I went to BookVAULT in the first place, because of all my backlist are 5 by 8 size.
I don't why Lulu don't do that. They do a 5.5 by 8.5, but I didn't want to redo my backlist. Those are the two main print-on-demand services, aren't they basically, Lulu and BookVAULT?
Morgana: Yes.
Joanna: That covers quite a lot of the costs.
Let's talk about how the income works for getting paid actual money in your bank account.
Morgana: Yes, that's great, isn't it? With Shopify, you can set it to pay daily or every two days, weekly or monthly. They'll only pay on a business day. I've got it set to pay weekly, but if someone really needed money, they could set it daily and they'd pay daily.
Of course, if a customer has paid with a credit card, depends on the credit card provider, it could take up to 72 hours. PayPal, of course, it goes in instantly. Then you have to go to PayPal and transfer it to your bank account, and that could take a couple of days, but you're not waiting for up to 60 days or 90 days like the retailers. You're getting it that week, sometimes that day.
Joanna: Because I've been on PayPal for so long, my transfers are immediate. When I did this launch, the money with PayPal goes in, as you say, immediately it's done, and then I've basically been transferring to my bank account at the end of every day because I don't like leaving money in PayPal for too long. I leave a certain balance, but then I take lots.
Then Shopify, I've got set up on daily for this launch period, at least. Basically the money is in my bank account for this launch and I've been super happy about that. It's like you said, ‘Oh, it might take 72 hours,' but I mean, most of the money is taking 60 to 90 days, or if people are traditionally published it can take 6 months, it can take a lot longer, basically.
I think that speed of money is pretty exciting I think. So, talk also about the customer data.
How are you using customer data in an ethical manner to help the business?
Morgana: Businesses have to abide by not just ethics, but legalities. There are so many legalities.
Well, basically, what I said before, I use it to target people like you can do amazing things with Facebook ads with a store. Facebook will integrate with several storefronts, but I use Shopify. I use conversion ads, not traffic ads. And you can re-target people.
Now, you can also do dynamic product ads, and it's sort of like the same thing as an Amazon ad that's an automatic Amazon ad. This is an automatic thing that Facebook will do, and they'll automatically serve that ad to the right people.
If Fred Blogs has gone and looked at, say, a box set and has sat there staring at it in your shop, but hasn't bought it, then Facebook will serve that ad to Fred Blogs. But if Fred Blogs has already bought a different book, Facebook will know not to serve that ad to him because he's already bought that book. It's amazing, like it's almost magical what it can do.
And I must tell you, SMS marketing, I'm very excited about that. SMS marketing has got much better open rates and conversion rates than email marketing, and people are so used to it from online shopping. They're just used to it these days.
There are much stricter laws for that, like you must have a double opt-in and you can't have a pre-checked box saying, ‘I give permission,' which of course you can't with email marketing in some parts of the world. But with selling direct, obviously, you wouldn't send them a long SMS newsletter, but you'd tell 'em of an offer or a deal or a new release. And it's quite exciting.
Authors are used to the welcome flow, they're used to a welcome automation, and authors are used to lead magnets, but with e-commerce, you don't use lead magnets and obviously, signups in the back of your books. You use offers, like you could offer them 10% off.
Once you've got them on your list, you can again do the abandoned cart flow, the abandoned checkout flow, the browse abandonment flow, the win-back flow. This is what Amazon does. Amazon does upsells and cross-sells. If you go to Amazon and you buy an e-book, the Thank You page will say, ‘Would you like the audiobook with this?'
You can now do that too.
Basically, anything that Amazon could do, in a smaller way, of course, you can do with your store.
I think I mentioned before, the abandoned cart flow, if someone has put items in their cart, but they haven't gone into the checkout and they've just taken off and left it there, you can send them a flow to say whatever you want to say to get them back. And also the good thing is with abandoned checkout, if they've actually got to the checkout and they've abandoned it, you can send them an email 15 minutes later or even in a shorter time and say, ‘Hey, I saw you abandoned your checkout. Would you like to come back?'
Now, the interesting thing with this is there's quite a lot of science behind this because all the big brands are using these things. If I wanted to buy, say, a pair of Louis Vuitton shoes or something like that, and I abandoned my checkout, I would need a lot longer than 15 minutes to decide whether I wanted that. Or maybe I wanted to buy like a retro fridge, a bright pink retro fridge that costs a few thousand dollars, I'm going to need longer than 15 minutes.
But with e-books, because they're quite low priced, the conventional wisdom is to send them that email 15 minutes later. And you can also split-test. I split-test 8 minutes later and 15 minutes later. And 15 minutes came out as the winner.
So, if someone went to Amazon or any of the retailers and bought your books, and then they stopped buying them six months ago or a year ago, you'd never know in a million years, but with this data, you can send them emails and win them back.
It's just amazing what you can do because you've got all that information there in front of you.
Joanna: I've got to say that it is the power of the store. The power of Shopify is you can basically do anything that Amazon does, but on the other hand, Amazon is a multibillion-dollar business, and for most people listening and for you and for me, it's just us.
What I found was that, oh my goodness, this really can do anything I want it to do, but oh my goodness, I don't have the time to do all of this. So, I got a little bit overwhelmed.
I spoke to you, we had a private call, and I spoke to you and you were so helpful. And then I went and started trying to build my store and I just got overwhelmed, and I was like, ‘Do I just ditch this entirely?' I felt very, just overwhelmed by how much I could possibly do.
So, I made a decision, which was to implement a minimum-viable store.
I'll be talking about this on another episode that goes out after this one where I talk about this idea of minimum-viable store, which is, I just wanted to get it up and running and do my launch.
And then a lot of this stuff you can add on later. So, I guess my question to you is, if people feel overwhelmed, what can they do to overcome that challenge, because there are benefits, aren't there? Even if you build it slowly over time.
If people feel overwhelmed, what can they do to overcome that challenge?
Morgana: The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. None of the big brands have been overnight successes. It's taken them a long time. Everything needs to be built.
When you see all the exciting things you can do, the temptation is to do them right now, but just hold off. As long as you're doing something, don't aim for perfection, aim for progress, even if it's uploading a book a day, uploading a book a week.
If someone decides to have a store, I would say, rework your writing schedule. If you're a rapid-release-type person, do something that gives you time, otherwise, you will go quite mad, because people who rapidly release are on the edge of madness anyway. So, just do something to give yourself a bit of space or it won't be good.
You have to be kind to yourself and try not to be an overachiever. Any progress, no matter how tiny, is good progress. Take your time. You don't have to have it done even in six months or a year, as long as you're making progress.
I like to listen to a lot of the people who've built million-dollar brands from nothing for less than $500, and they always say that, they say, ‘Start out slow because if you go too quickly, you'll go down the wrong path. And you need to start out slow and test everything.'
And often the people who are the most successful are the people who have gone about it in a very slow manner.
Joanna: You said you listen to people, I've been looking at the Shopify podcast and things.
Any podcasts you recommend?
Morgana: I absolutely love Davie Fogarty. He's only, I think, 27 and he started 7 brands, and he's worth almost half a billion at the moment. He's an Aussie. He's the one who started The Oodie. I listen to him religiously day and night. I fall asleep listening to his channel.
Joanna: Is he a YouTuber, or he's got a podcast?
Morgana: He's a YouTuber. Davie Fogarty.
Joanna: I'm just on Spotify and I can see some of his episodes there. So, that's really interesting. Fantastic. I've been listening to a few of the Shopify shows.
And you're right. It's similar to when you listen to a big-name author and you think, ‘Oh, my goodness.' And then you see that they've been doing it for years and years. So, it is just building it a step at a time.
And in fact, if people can look at the way back machine and look at what the Amazon website looked like in 1998 or whatever, it was absolutely appalling. So, we all grow, don't we, over time?
In fact, this is one of the reasons I went with Shopify is because I can see a future where that is my main website, but also that they change things. They're starting to do NFTs as beta. They allow crypto payments. I could do special editions. I could do signed books.
There's so many things we can do, can't we? We can do merchandise.
I feel like if you get started with just basic e-books even, and then just think about where you could be over time, that's the way to do it.
Morgana: Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. That's what I want to do. I'm going to look at bringing in some sort of related product, which I think is quite an exciting way to go.
I'm very excited about Shopify and the NFTs and tokengating as well, which is…as you know, Joanna, but in case someone doesn't know, tokengating is where you basically use an NFT as a token. So, you could offer an NFT on Shopify, and they don't need any crypto, they can pay for it in the normal standard Shopify way.
And you could offer them an NFT and a new release that no one else will get or a special edition book or something like that. Shopify's bringing that in as we speak, which is very exciting.
Joanna: I really see it as bridging Web 2 and Web 3. And of course, you mentioned it has integration with social media. In fact, even this week, they announced integration with YouTube, which I think is brilliant.
I've had a YouTube channel since 2008, so I'm quite interested to do that integration. And Twitter I think doing an integration. So, this is the thing, there are so many things we can do, but as we've said, start with the basics.
I did want to ask you, you mentioned another one of the questions that people have to you is,
‘How do I get traffic to my store? How do I do marketing?'
So, you have mentioned paid ads, like say, Facebook direct to Shopify. How else are you marketing?
Morgana: Influencer marketing. I'm very excited about that. That's something all the big brands do, but authors typically don't think of influencer marketing, which is quite exciting.
Now, there are two ways you can do it, or I mean, there are probably hundreds of ways you could contact someone direct, but there's a website called Shoutcart where you can find the right person, and the amount, the payment they want is there on the screen and you just click it and pay.
Or you could get the Shopify Dovetale app, but it's more a research tool and you can't directly connect with the influencer there.
But also with Shopify, you can get a free Facebook store. You can have free Shoppable Pins on Pinterest. You can have Google Shopping for free. Instagram Pins. You can do an Instagram Shop for free.
Shopify has Linkpop, which isn't like the usual link that you see on Instagram. It's where you could put your store, and people can buy direct, and they can buy direct on these social media sites rather than having to leave and go to your store.
So, if someone's starting out and they don't have a lot of money or money to invest in their business yet, there are so many things they can do for free, like getting all these free stores on the socials.
Joanna: Your book is full of so much. You are a wealth of information. What's lovely about this book is as we record this, it's not quite out, but I know how much you're still adding to it because it's like you're realizing how much you know.
I had an earlier copy and it's brilliant. That influencer marketing chapter, I was like, ‘Oh, my goodness, this is amazing.'
Tell people where can they find your book and everything else you do online?
Morgana: They can find my book on my store, morganabest.com. It's also on the retailers because I'm not saying get rid of the retailers. That's a good way to pick up readers and get them into your store. If you have a series, link the next book in that series to your store. I have a Facebook group called Authors Selling Direct.
Joanna: That's brilliant. I have the e-book, I'm also going to buy the paperback because it is like a Bible of information. So, I highly recommend it, Stop Making Others Rich.
Thank you so much for your time, Morgana. That was amazing.
Morgana: It was lovely to chat to you again.
View Comments (5)
I'm so excited to receive my print copy! I bought it as soon as the print version came onto Morgana's store because I knew I'd want to highlight and use page flags. I just launched my Shopify, collapsing my Wordpress and Payhip into a single website, despite only having a couple books and some merchandise. Looking forward to growing and building!
I'm curious about the cost analysis for BookVault vs LuluDirect, especially for someone who only has a couple books on their store. BookVault seems to be taking the same tack as IngramSpark, i.e. you pay to set up the title and then there are storage fees after a year... Does this mean the cost per book is lower because of the set up fees? I was having a hard time confirming where they do ship, but it seems like they focus on the UK?
Bookvault ship pretty much everywhere in the world, and I've had sales all over the place.
The cost of printing per book is certainly lower, but maybe have a look at what Morgana is doing, using Bookvault for the UK and Lulu for overseas.
I'll talk more about this on my episode coming Friday.
Great episode, Joanna! As someone not quite ready to make the jump to Shopify, I'd be curious about if / how Bookvault and Lulu might be used for sales on Payhip. Thanks!
This is fabulous information. I love that you continue to share the latest author options and the practical ways to implement them. The thing that most scares me away from selling direct is taxes. What are y'all doing to handle sales tax? Because you are both: a business and a retailer.
I'll cover this in my solo episode coming tomorrow (Fri 12 Aug) but basically, yes, you have to handle taxes. But I have found it's not as big a deal as I thought it would be — and every business has to deal with tax!