OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn
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I have just finished the wonderful “Chasing the Bard” podcast novel by Pip Ballantine, so was thrilled to interview her for today's podcast. [This was a two-part interview with Pip and Tee Morris, podcasted last week.]
Pip is an award-winning New Zealand author and podcaster. Her books include Chasing the Bard, Digital Magic and Weather Child.
In this podcast you will learn:
- How Pip started in writing and then how she got a 2 book deal with Ace publishing in New York after 12 years of writing
- Why writers need to have a “tough skin” and separate the writer from the clerk if they want to get published
- Why it's not just about being published – writing and creation are important
- How Pip won the Sir Julius Vogel Award, the New Zealand Hugo for “Chasing the Bard” podcast
- How being in New Zealand affects a writing career
- Having an accent can help your podcasting voice talent career
- How the Double Trouble promo got Pip and Tee into the Amazon bestseller lists
- Tips for authors who want to podcast
- How long podcast episodes can take to create, and why you would want to spend the effort to do it
- Why the podcasting crowd is so much fun! and why working together is such a great idea
- Chasing the Bard is now an iPhone app – another way to reach your audience
- Writing the all-important sex scene! (Erotica a la Carte )
You can find Pip and her books at pjballantine.com, or on Twitter.
Sam Caldwell says
Bravo. Excellent guest and interview!